Hello friends, family, and readers who love keeping up with me!
Long time, no post.
Well I want to tell you that I have not lost my love and desire for blogging over these many moons. I have even made many drafts of things I would want to post at some point, and I have tested out the Wordpress blog engine once again. After months of thought about where and in what direction I would like to take my blog and my blogging time, I have made a few decisions. As those of you who may have been following my writing for sometime know, I have changed the face and mam of this very blog when I have experienced big life transitions. Well. Surprise, I am going to be doing so again. However, as I am no longer on a viable source for Facebook, and I am distancing myself from many people, places, and things, I don't want just anyone to have access to my life anymore. Without going into any detail or background for what I mean, I want to say this: there have been lots of big life changes in the last few months and so there will be some big changes to my blog as well. If you truly would like to keep access to my previous writings, and would like to stay connected with me and my family going forward, please feel free to send me an email saying that you would like to know my new blog address. This will not be public information, but will only be available to those who ask. Regardless of who you are. Big blog changes will be happening over the next month, and I think it is safe to say that by August 1, I will no longer be writing under this blog url address, nor this blog name. I am so thankful for everyone who has always loved hear in and reading what I have to say, and have stopped me in the halls of school and elsewhere to share your own experiences with me. This is a big joy of my blog life. I would love to keep this relationship with you. To those whom I have never met, I am thankful that you have seen my writing as worthy to keep up wuth, and I hope you have been able to find the joy that I have in sharing. So if you would like to keep in touch by continuing to read my blog, you can email me at thejessicalime {at} gmail {dot} com and I will email you back the new blog address.
If you have checked in from time to time to see if I have written anything new in the last few months - you are rock stars. Here is something for ya ;)
Love, Jess.
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