Saturday, November 29, 2014

thankfulness: my week in pictures and gratitude.

This week I was thankful for:
nummies for my belly
a well-hydrated plant named Bernie
a sister-in-law who did not want her picture taken
a brother who is home for a week... and the awkward entertainment we share
a picture of me and the sis that clearly describes our personalities
the lovely Greve ladies
colorful veggies and four thanksgiving meals
our own tradition of putting up the tree on Thanksgiving evening
Christmas tree jewelry
when all powers combine
a pretty tree with pretty lights
and a reason to keep hope in the consumer society.
Happy first week of Advent!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

thankfulness: my week in pictures and gratitude

This week, I was thankful for:
Frank being back home
 my true identity
the completion of a 15-page research paper on olfaction
 hot dates
 pretty new scarves
crafty friends
and the closest thing we can get to an outdoor cafe at our school.
Also known as the newest attraction to CIU: the indoor waterfall.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

thankfulness: my week in pictures and gratitude

This week, I am thankful for:
Lingonberry sauce that reminds me of Granddaddy Alborg and our Swedish heritage
Dunkin' Donuts brekky on the whim
an awesome hubby who gives his talents to praise Jesus
the ability to be thug with the one I love
the beauty of evangelical unity through prayer
morning fellowship over bagels and OJ
hot chocolate from lovely Grad friends
friends who put up their little Christmas tree on November 1
the same friends who set me up nice while the hubby is away making the dough
for God, who has never let me walk alone
Chik-fil-a dindins with the toe-truck driver
and for baby lizards who live in my mailbox.

What were you thankful for this week?

Friday, November 7, 2014

thankfulness: my week in pictures and gratitude

This week I have been thankful for:
Snow on my South Carolina windshield on November 1
Hearing stories of old from alumni
Beautiful evenings and apartment light ornaments
The freedom to vote
Being reminded that my body has been given boundaries that I cannot cross
Knowing that God is my strength
Friends who leave class to find me, take me to urgent care, and twirl around on the doctor's chair while we wait for the doc to arrive
A sweet and thoughtful hubby who gives me cards with puppies to help me feel better
A food journal that reminds me what I should and should not munch on
Makeshift tubs on the kitchen floor
Epsom salt baths
Dr. Ben
A beautiful backyard and campus
Drawing nigh to God in prayer and faith
A campus whose mission is to know Him and to make Him known
Red leaves and clear blue skies
And the weekend, the Sabbath, that was made for man and not the other way around.

Thankfulness, gratitude, is a gift to give and receive at all moments of life.
It turns everything into enough.
This is November, a month in America to be thankful for all things, 
but the practice shouldn't end on the 30th.
How have you been thankful lately?