Tuesday, September 16, 2014

mindfulness: advice from a super-senior.

I was among the Senate leaders who were asked to do a panel for the incoming freshmen and transfers.  One of the questions was, "If you had one suggestion for the new students, what would it be?"  Mine was simply this: don't rush it.  There's so much pressure to take x-amount of hours every semester, CLEP classes, and substitute AP classes from high school. There's pressure to finish ideally within four years of school - or less. There's pressure to be the best in the class, or to achieve Latin honors. There's pressure to sustain a healthy social palate while maintaining good grades and participating in something extra-curricular.  And in all of this, I've realized that what I've really needed is rest. My plans fit many of these pressures. But the Lord knew what I needed better than I knew what I needed - no brainer, right? And he turned my four years or less into five years. Because He still had something to teach me. He had many things to work in me, actually.  I still had people to meet. I still had classes that were going to be important for my future beyond May 2015.  He had relationships to mend in my life. He had new direction for me. I needed to rest my body and mind. I needed some healing in every realm, and I still had room left at this place for spiritual growth.

Time and money are the most valuable commodities, they say. Here's the thing: you can always replace money, but you cannot ever get back your time.  If you are rushing through your learning and and making your growth premature just to save money and get out into the world, how valuable is your time, really? Your time is shallow and rushed, and chances are, you are much further behind than you realize.  I've started my fifth year of college this year, and this is my one biggest advice to anyone who is in college, or starting college: take your time. Don't rush. Just relax. Take time to really learn and understand what you are going over in class.  Take time to be mindful of what you are doing, learning, of the people who are in your life with greater reason than you are aware of.  If you need to drop to 12 hours or less for a semester, do it. If you need a semester off, do it.  If you want to stretch your time for another semester or another school year, or even longer, do it. Because it's worth it.  Don't bend to the pressures around you; make your own choice.  Let the Lord mold you; learn all you can and understand it well; give your body the time and healing it needs. You will regret it far more if you don't. Make your time valuable. You won't be getting it back.

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