Thursday, October 11, 2012

{Matt & Kim: Live}

For Brooke's 20th birthday, I took her to see Matt & Kim live in Charlotte at the Fillmore, opened by Oberhofer.  It was amazing!!!  This was our face afterwards ;)

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Photo-a-Day Challenge: Accepted.

  One of the blogs I follow is of a mum from Australia under the blogger name of Fat Mum Slim.  Each month, at the beginning of the month, she posts a challenge to improve upon and have fun with photography at least once a day for every day of the month.  I've considered taking part in it before, but I think this month, I will take it seriously ;)  I'm definitely not pro at photography in any way.  I do own a Nikon D70 (it's a few years old) and it has a really big lens on it that I obviously have no idea what model it is (or whatever).  So in an effort to be encouraged in way of taking at least semi-good photos, I accept the challenge for the month of October.  (I hope I can keep this up, so keep me accountable!) This is the link to her blog to learn more about her and the details of her challenge.  This is what I will be photographing over the next 31 days:

October photo a day challenge: Everything you need to know!

Even if you don't have a massive camera like I do, you can still participate!  These are the only rules:

How to play

1. Look at the list each day, and discover the daily prompt.
2. Grab your camera – your phone or another camera – and take a photo using the daily prompt as inspiration.
3. Upload your photo to where ever you like: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, your blog or anywhere you please. {If sharing on Twitter or Instagram add the hashtag #FMSphotoaday}
This is extra, explanitory information on how you are to approach each day (in case you're confised about what exactly you are taking a picture of:
The Prompts
1. Where you stood: Take a photo of where you’re standing.
2. Lunchtime: Take a photo of your lunch, or around you at lunchtime.
3. This happened today: What’s something that happened today? Shoot it and share it.
4. What you read: Did you read a sign? Are you reading a book? A blog? Shoot and share.
5. Shadow: Take a photo of your shadow or any shadow.
6. I’m thankful for…: What are you thankful for today? It can be simple or BIG. Share it.
7. Light: You can shoot sunflare, a streetlight, light from the sun… any kind of light.
8. Angle: Look at angles in buildings, structures, books, anything. Find an angle and take a photo.
9. Red: Take a photo of something red.
10. Emotion: Happy. Sad. Angry. Overjoyed and so on and so forth. Be creative.
11. Something close-up: These photos might be a little mysterious. Take a photo of something really close-up.
12. On the table: Last month we did table, but this month let’s do ON the table. What’s on your table?
13. Landscape: Take a photo of the skyline, a landscape you see.
14. Makes you laugh: What’s something funny that makes you laugh. Share it.
15. Dinnertime: Just like lunchtime, only later. Take a picture of what dinnertime is like on this day for you.
16. Something you wrote: Take a photo of something you wrote or drew.
17. Fruit: Take a photo of a piece of fruit, or a few.
18. Made you smile today: What made you smile today? Find it. Shoot it. Share it.
19. Letters: Take a photo of letters. They might make up a poster, or something bigger. Or even be mail?
20. 4 o’clock: Take a photo a 4am or 4pm – whatever you’re doing at that time.
21. Calm: Take a photo of something that makes you feel calm, or represents calm.
22. In your town: Take a photo of something from where you live. It might be a building, people, park or something else.
23. The view from here: Take a photo of your view from where you are. It might be your office, your home, traveling. The everyday can sometimes be very interesting.
24. Weather: Take a photo of the weather today. Let’s travel around the world with everyone’s weather photos.
25. People: It might be people you know or people you don’t. Take a photo of people.
26. Listening to: What are you listening to? Music? Children laughing? Share it.
27. Morning: Take a photo of your morning.
28. Looking back: Take a photo of something from your past, or from just behind you. Look back and take a photo.
29. Moon: The moon is just about full tonight. Take a photo.
30. Clothes: Take a photo of clothes. Perhaps what you’re wearing, or in your wardrobe, on a mannequin or otherwise.
31. Whatever you please: Are you celebrating Halloween tonight? Perhaps take a photo of that. Today is free choice – take a photo of ANYTHING you like.
So, obviously, I copied the majority of her post... But I give full credit to the lovely lady down-under.  Check out her blog: Fat Mum Slim!  And have fun photographing!