Sunday, January 15, 2012

Untimely fashion...

    Well I obviously was not able to finish my blogs for Advent in December, everyone can automatically assume that it was because I started working and the computer I had at the time was not working well at all.  Things in m y life recently have been happening after I would prefer for them to happen; this untimely fashion of not being on time when I expect them to be is making me start to notice the way God works - not according to my schedule.  I expect things to work out the way I want them to - but of course that never happens for anyone, why should I be the exception?  I've felt the pull for letting go of the ministry I joined with last semester with Wesley and Coker to focus on the ministry that I have here at St. Luke.  This means I'll have more time to pour into the few people I rarely encounter on a day-to-day basis.  I have had so many encouraging ideas that I feel could have only come from One source.  I am so excited for what is to happen ion the not-too-distant future, and I love the prayer that I continually am told about from everyone.  However, what I really need is:  actual help.  From those who say they have a heart for the ministry God has started through me.  I need help.  I know that what I need and what I want are two different things, and I think I know what the differences are for me.  God knows me better - so even though I have my own odea of what is best for me, God will provide in whatever untimely fashion he feels necessary.
